Develop an Instagram strategy that shines in 2024 💫


Instagram has changed a lot in the last 18 months and it can feel overwhelming at times.

By the end of this 60-minute workshop you’ll have a simple, solid Instagram strategy that attracts your ideal customers and capitalises on the features getting most traction in 2024.

⚠️ Warning: This workshop is actionable and packed full of examples.

Please note: This workshop was created at the end of 2022 but everything is still as relevant today (in Feb 2024) as it was then.

What to expect:

Goal setting: Set your goals for the quarter to ensure that your Instagram content is intentionally designed to achieve these goals (and you don’t end up in a post-and-hope-for-the-best situation!).

Content audit: Review Insights to better understand your audience and identify opportunities for future high-performing posts.

Customer journey: Outline your customers’ limiting beliefs, key questions, and main objections so that every post moves them closer to conversion.

High-impact content for 2024: The types of content you should focus on for maximum impact on Instagram in 2024 (and what part of the customer journey they're best for) and how to execute them like a pro, so that you become that account with the binge-able content.

Planning for success: Let's plan your content so that you know exactly what and when you should be posting, sharing video, and jumping on Stories.

BONUS: Content calendar (complete with drop-downs for type of content, customer milestone, and CTA) ready for you to start filling in.


Feedback from previous workshop attendees:

“How can I possibly thank you enough for what was probably the biggest hit of the year on our workshop calendar? I feel like I won the lottery. This session was simply AWESOME. Everyone loved it, myself included.” - Joan Buerk, The Prince’s Trust

"Bella's 3-part Instagram workshop was amazing! Full of insights that not only got us excited about creating great content, but gave us the practical tools to do so in a way that did not feel overwhelming. We're already seeing the results from her teachings after a few weeks - cannot recommend her enough!" - Sean Donnelly, co-founder of Roundups

"Just wanted to say thank you so much for yesterday's workshop, it was absolutely brilliant. One of the best we've had. We just had our standup and every team member said it was so engaging, full of fabulous takeaways, examples, ideas... and energy." - Aimee Scanlan, Capital Enterprise